
Candace Muses On Life During COVID-19

How are you doing? Where do your thoughts go? Are you dropping into fear? Anger? Do you see people not wearing masks, gathering in groups and get agitated? Or maybe you feel numb and stuck, not sure how you feel. During this season of Covid I find my emotions are all over the place. I […]

Vulnerability Pays Big Dividends

In her book Hold Me Tight, Dr. Sue Johnson brilliantly sums up what happens when couples get stuck in negative and reactive cycles: “In insecure relationships, we disguise our vulnerabilities so our partner never really sees us.” Dr. Johnson goes on to talk about the healing power of love and emotional responsiveness in a love […]

Graphic of the Teenage Brain

So true!  

Find Gratitude in Beauty – Look Hard and Deep

Lately I have been paying more attention to art. Part of my recovery and my mental and spiritual health is to pay attention to beauty wherever I see it — to look hard and deep — to truly be mindful. Here are two Van Gogh paintings that make my heart sing. Enjoy!   If you […]

New Years resolutions, goals, and the inner critic (blocks to creativity)

 Today I am setting small goals – instead of “loose 20 lbs in 3 mo” my goal is “get to the gym today do a workout – any workout”. this goal is encouraging ‬and do-able. I need to set myself up for a win. When I say this goal out loud my inner-critic is […]