I am reading a book called Come To Your Senses, by Stanley Block, MD, that is changing how I look at mindfulness and meditation and mental health. I am using it with clients and the feedback I am getting is very positive.
Dr. Block’s practice is called “bridging.” The key idea is that by bringing ourselves back to our present-time experience of our body (taste, smell, sight, touch, sound)  — which he calls bridging —  that we can move away from anxiety and fear and move toward living in the now or in the “zone.”
I will address this more in the future.
For now, try this: when you feel yourself moving into any fear or agitation — take a moment and notice what your senses are experiencing in the moment. You could notice the hum of a light, the ticking of a clock, the temperature in the room. Whatever you are sensing, take a moment to notice it completely. Put all your attention on it. The process will ground yourself in present experience and you will move away from your focus on the fear or agitation.
Give it a try.
Check out the book.
It is pure gold.

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